Is a company located at 2nd floor Door 8 SJRDC Bldg., Insular Lanang, Davao City. Founded by Mr. Aldwin L. Navarro, Alnsolutions, Inc. was established on August 11, 2017, with the goal of providing a practical, user-friendly and affordable business solutions system.

Our initial engagements with several clients made us realize that an accounting software system may be enhanced by introducing internal control policies and comprehensive process flows. 

This process makes our clients fully understand the value and importance of accounting in any type of business.



ALN Solutions was established on August 11, 2017


E-fildan POS was further developed by placing comprehensive internal controls.


Updated version is now called ALN POS by placing improved internal controls and update user friendly Interface

Our vision is to be the most preferred catalyst for business change in the Philippines by providing SMEs with high- quality accounting software system.

Our mission is to help SMEs overcome the technological challenges associated with digital transformation by focusing on new and emerging technologies, leaving a positive impact on their creditability. We also aim to provide value-adding services to help stakeholders generate accurate and timely information for decision-making purposes so that we can give employees opportunities for professional growth and be sustainable for the generations to come.

Our Core Values



Setting your business on the right track

What Is the Purpose of Internal Controls of a Company?

It is important that you, as a small business owner, put in place policies to safeguard the financial and management information of your company in accordance with the laws and regulations. Internal controls establish a process for how your business handles receiving and reporting money and administrative and management duties.

Establish Protocols and Procedures – By establishing internal controls, small business owners shall create protocols and procedures to be followed by their employees and consultants. Small business owners inform their employees of these protocols and expect that they follow them as they perform their day-to-day job. These established protocols help bring order and cohesiveness to companies, as everyone knows what’s expected, as outlined in the internal controls.

Prevent Fraud and Theft – Establishing internal controls can help companies prevent or reduce fraud and theft within their organizations. Internal controls can include activities such as reconciling bank statements, which may reveal whether the company’s cash is being misappropriated by management or employees.

Separation of Duties – Internal controls separate the duties of employees to ensure that a system of checks and balances is in place. For example, the internal controls of a company may ensure that an employee who makes the company’s accounts receivable does not also make the company’s accounts payable. This can also help reduce internal fraud and theft.

Reduce Errors Through Training – Internal controls can help companies reduce errors, which can help them save money and protect their reputations. Employee training is an example of an internal control that can reduce errors. By training employees on processes and procedures, and updating them on new ones, employees are less likely to make mistakes. Training can include how to use an internal computer program or the learning of a new work process that exists between departments.


Let’s get to know your business better

What is an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement?

An agreed-upon procedure is a standard that a company or client outlines when it hires an external party to conduct an audit on a particular test or business process. The procedures referred to as audit standards are designed and agreed upon by the entity conducting the audit and by any appropriate third party.

The auditor’s report on the findings is usually restricted to those parties who developed the agreed-upon procedures because of the specificity of the desired results. For example, agreed-upon procedures may be developed by the top management wanting to know if all collections and disbursement are properly recorded. The management would likely develop the agreed-upon procedures to help determine if such erroneous recording transactions takes place or not.

How can an AUP Engagement Benefit my Organization?

One of the benefits of engaging to ALN Solutions, Inc. to perform such work is that the findings are independently derived with no bias. There is flexibility in the nature, timing, and extent of the AUP and the work can be tailored to fit your needs. You know your organization and you can direct to perform procedures in a certain area—perhaps an area of concern, a new activity, or just a closer look at something.

In an audit conducted under agreed-upon procedures, the auditor provides only factual findings and does not offer opinions, conclusions or assurances in the final report. Instead, we provide a report listing the findings resulting from the procedures that are agreed-upon.


Our personnel are competent and experienced in their respective fields. They continuously update their knowledge and skills for new approaches relevant to their jobs. 

ALN Solutions Inc. focus on hiring the best people; with such a strong team, we lead in the industry by keeping committed performance for our customers.

Our employees are the key to our successful and growing business. Careful selection, training and support are of upper most importance. It is managed by a group of highly trained professionals with multidisciplinary skills, wide spectrum of experiences and they are always available for all your queries and requests.


Our Portfolio, in a very short period of operation, includes projects in sectors such as Construction, Wholesale & Retail, Restaurants and Manufacturing Industry.

We are empowered with knowledge to deliver business operations effectively and efficiently, while constantly redefining industry best practices.


2/F Door 8, SJRDC Bldg. Insular Village, Lanang Davao City
